Love, Joy, Peace...
Welcome to the Attic
Where life meets the Word of God.
There is simply too many voices competing for our attention, but one true voice that counts

Youth meets every Wednesday @ 6:30, Young Adult and College Last Friday of the month beginning in September

Youth Sign Up         Young Adult and College Sign up

What's your question?
In life, we often have many questions, but sometimes we may not know where to find the answers. What if I told you that God's word holds the answers? Black Box is here for you to ask those questions and helps us look to scripture for the answers
Stand to Reason Studies (STR)
STR U equips Christians to make an even-handed, yet gracious defense for Christianity and Christian values in the public square. As a youth group we have taken part of some of the studies. If you would like to dive deeper i want to encourage you to click here and dive in deeper. Please click on the icons for past study notes
Stand to Reason Studies (STR)
STR U equips Christians to make an even-handed, yet gracious defense for Christianity and Christian values in the public square. As a youth group we have taken part of some of the studies. If you would like to dive deeper i want to encourage you to click here and dive in deeper. Please click on the icons for past study notes