Black Box answers:
It is my intention to keep commentary to a minimal, and hope that you will look up the scripture references and attempt answer the question yourself looking at the scripture for your answer.
Ask yourself:
How does this reference answer the question?
Does this reference answer the question?
I am available to further discuss questions on a 1-on-1 (or group) basis.
If God created and loves us why would he even create hell?
Hell is the justice of God? It is necessary for God to be true to His word , because love tells the truth
-Gen 2:17
-Romans 3:23
-Romans 6:23
-Romans 3:10
-John 14:6
God’s love is displayed in the Gospel.. we would not know love fully unless sin came into the world.
What is Love?
-1John 4:7-21
God is love.
John 15:13 no greater love
Phil 2:5-8 Christ mindset
If he knows what will happen to all people and he knows that most of the world and the people that he created will end up in hell and suffer why would he make people for them to suffer?
-Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43
-1 Peter 1:7
Purpose of God in evil.
- Gen 50:20 Joseph's story (look at context of his life)
If God made us so he could have a relationship with us why does he not reveal himself to us face to face and talk to us if people actually saw Jesus face to face and communicated with him they would believe in him then no one would have to suffer in hell?
Luke 16:19-31 How did Abraham respond to the rich man.
How can God be three people and one person along those lines why did Jesus have to talk to God if they were the same person?
-Mt 3:16-17
-Phil 2:5-11
-John 17:1-5
When trying to convert others many are very forceful, this seems to push people further away from Christianity how do you combat this coming off as aggressive or pushy is never good in fact among my his friends this pushiness insistence when they weren't ready to hear about it hurts their impression of Christianity
-1 Peter 3:13-17
-James 3:17-18
How do you know heaven exists? What is heaven?
Because Jesus exist
-John 14:3
Why did people in the Old Testament live longer than we do now was it lifestyle change like diet for example?
-Gen 6:3
So we can hear static in space is that God's voice resonating?
-Psalm 19:1
Why did God make us have to breathe drink eat to stay alive?
To teach dependence and unity.
Genesis 2 all was given to mankind to cultivate
How can you be homophobic while also spreading God's love? You're supposed to support and love thy neighbor even if you don't agree right? I think this is one of the things that often discourage people who want to join Christianity also, in God's eyes sins are weighted the same and why do people focus on homophobia so much?
The Greek word homos means same, phobia means fear, together homos phobia, homophobic means fear of the same.
2 Timothy 1: 7 What does it say concerning fear.
How should we interact with others?
- 1 Peter 3:13-17
- James 3:13-15
- Isaiah 1:18
Why do bad things happen to good people sickness heart attacks etc?
I think we need to rearrange that question: why do good things happen to bad people.
What is good and evil?
- John 17:17 There is a standard for good and evil
-Romans 1:19-20
-Romans 2:12-16 Who is good?
-Matt 5:45
This question would not be a question at all unless it presupposes justice. Why is there suffering?
- Gen 3 Fallen state of creation. Punishment for sin
- Romans 8:18 - 22
-Judges 2:11-15
But not always
John 9:1-3
Suffering could be permitted by God
To show the justice of God
To advance His Kingdom