Love, Joy, Peace...
Fellowship of the Hills- Student Ministry
Welcome to FOTH Kids! Our mission is to make Christ known and to equip our children in Him. Together, as the body of Christ, we want to partner with you, the parents, in bringing the message of Jesus to our children. Our hope is to create an environment that nurtures and matures the children of God, all for the glory of God (2 Timothy 3:16-17; Ephesians 4:13). Come join us—sign up below!
Adventure Club Wednesdays!
Click the link below to join us at 6:00 PM for a fellowship dinner, followed by topical studies at 6:30 PM to help your children better know God and themselves.
Connect with Us
Bring your kids to our 10am service, where they will journey through scripture book by book, uncovering the wonders of Jesus and discovering what He expects from us. Click below.
Connect with Us
Generations of Grace Sundays