Love, Joy, Peace...

The undersigned participant (*), and if participant is a minor, the legal custodian (**) thereof, hereby consent to the participation of participant in activities conducted under the sponsorship of Fellowship of the Hills Church, Blairsville, Union County, Georgia, its agents and members.  In making such consent, participant and custodian acknowledge that they understand that there are risks to both person and property associated with engaging in such activities and they hereby consent to assume such risk.  In consideration of granting permission by the church, its agents, servants, and members or the participation in such activities, participant and custodian hereby release, exonerate and hold harmless Fellowship of the Hills Church, its agents, and members from any and all liability of every nature and kind pertaining to such activities or the participation therein by the participant.  Participant and custodian expressly covenant not to sue and do hereby waive and relinquish whatever right they may have or which otherwise might occur against Fellowship of the Hills Church, Blairsville, its agents, servants and members by virtue of the sponsorship and supervision of such activities and/or the participation therein by participant.  Participant and custodian hereby authorize and consent to any x-ray examination, medical or surgical diagnosis or treatment and hospital care to be rendered to participant under the general and special supervision on the advice of any licensed physician, anesthesiologist, dentist or other qualified medical personnel acting under their supervision to determine the extent and treatment of an injury.  The contents of this document, including the consent, waiver and/or release provisions hereof shall remain in full force and effect until written notice of revocation or withdrawal is received by Fellowship of the Hills Church at its office in Blairsville, Union County, Georgia.  I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE COMPLETED THE INFORMATION CONCERNING MEDICAL HISTORY AND HAVE READ, UNDERSTAND, AND AGREE WITH SECTIONS CONCERNING RELEASE OF ALL LIABILITY AND THE AUTHORIZATION OF MEDICAL TREATMENT BY A MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL AS NEEDED.

* The word “participant” to include the feminine gender as well as the masculine where the context requires or permits.

** The word “custodian” to include either or both natural or adopted parents or any legal guardian. The plural as well as the singular and the feminine gender as well as the masculine where the context requires or permits.

Name (Required)
Email Address (Required)
Your Phone Number (Required)
By placing your name and number you are consenting to the detailed agreement above as an electronic signature
Child's Name