Love, Joy, Peace...

Atheism: Bumping into Reality: Bump of STUFF

There are 2 alternatives when it comes to the most important question that anyone can ask: Does God exist?   Either He does (Theism) or He doesn’t (Atheism)…

If you go somewhere and it's empty, you would conclude that no one lives there.  However if you go somewhere and it was full of stuff, you would naturally conclude that someone put that stuff there.

The fact that there is stuff there, is evidence that someone put it there. Very common sense notion.

Think about that notion regarding the question ‘Does God exist?’


Starting Point Observation

Stuff Exists. ← Can’t argue this.

We might not all be on the same page about the nature of the stuff or how it exists, but this is what science is meant to help us understand.


            Question 1: ‘Why is there stuff?’

            Why is there something here other than nothing….Where did

everything come from? What caused the beginning of the universe?


Example of how this line of thinking can play out tactically in a convo:


Someone: Prove to me that God exists.


(There are a couple problems with the way this question is worded. If someone says ‘PROVE’ God exists, then you need to understand what they mean by ‘PROVE’ or you’re not going to get anywhere… You can give evidence all day long and at the end of the day they are just going to say ‘That’s not Proof!’....They also said ‘Prove to ME’.  Now there is a psychological element coming into it…’give me the evidence that would convince ME’...and you don’t know what would convince that person. So explain that to them.)


You: Explaining your thoughts above…’Can you re-word your question?’


Someone: ‘Ok. Can you give me any reasonable evidence that God exists?

You: (Tactical Style-Asking Questions to set up your point) Do things exist?


Someone: Yes


You: Have things always existed?


(This is a question about whether the universe came into being or not. And there is hardly anybody who thinks the universe is eternal anymore. (ie. The Big Bang)...essentially atheists acknowledge there was a beginning to the universe….which is our view too…”In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” Genesis 1:1.)


            Someone: No.  It came into being sometime in the distant past.


You: Ok. What caused things to exist?...Rationally, reasonably, thoughtfully, there are only 2 choices… Either: Some Thing or No Thing.


(Atheists don’t want to answer ‘Some Thing’...because that something would have to be outside the natural universe…it would have to be something pretty powerful, pretty smart, and personal…..G-O-D.  They don’t want to go here…But what’s the only other alternative? All they can say is NO THING caused the universe to come into existence…In other words, the universe just popped into existence without any cause and without any purpose.)


Even if this was possible…is it the most reasonable?

Cars don’t just show up in our driveways…PS4’s don’t just magically appear in your room when it's NOT your birthday.


No Thing makes No Sense….


A Big Bang needs a Big Banger.



Regarding The Bump of Stuff

Christianity (Christian Theism) has better Explanatory Power.  We can explain this better than the atheist. Atheists can’t explain where stuff came from….they don’t even try. But Christian Theism can, and it does so in a way that consists with our basic intuitions about reality.  (All effects have causes adequate to explain them.)
